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3 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 11:41

Voila les commands je veut que tous le monde les vois alors comme sa vous pourrez savoir quoi qu'on peut faire si vous écouter pas Razz XD

// 0: normal player commands
// None for security purposes.

// 1: Super player commands

//Displays a list of @ commands available to the player.
commands: 1

//Displays the server rates.
rates: 0

// Show server uptime
uptime: 1

//Shows/Hides the "there is a delay after a skill" message.
showdelay: 1

//Displays current levels and % progress.
exp: 0

// To change your (own) email (characters protection)
// note: this command doesn't check email itself, but check structure of the email (xxx@xxx)
// if you want be sure of each e-mail disable this option (value: 100)
email: 1

// Show Monster info (rates, stats, drops, MVP stuff)
mobinfo: 0
monsterinfo: 1
mi: 1

// Show Item info (type, price, etc)
iteminfo: 1
ii: 1

// Show who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rate)
whodrops: 1

// Syncs the position of the player on the client with the one stored in the server.
refresh: 1

// Give server time. (6 same commands)
time: 0
date: 1
server_date: 1
serverdate: 1
server_time: 1
servertime: 1

// Displays SVN version of the server.
version: 1

// Suicide your character.
die: 1

// Enables you to rename your pet.
petrename: 1

party: 1

// Brings up your personal storage wherever you are.
storage: 1

// Locate someone on a map, returns your coordinates if the person isn't on.
where: 1

// Duel organizing commands
duel: 0
invite: 0
accept: 0
reject: 0
leave: 0

// Away messsage
away: 1
aw: 1

// Main chat
main: 1

// Autorejecting Deals/Invites
noask: 1

// 10: Super player+ commands

//Displays/Hides Experience gained
showexp: 0

//Displays/Hides Zeny gained
showzeny: 0

// Spawns you to set points in major cities.
go: 0

// Enables/disables autolooting from killed mobs.
autoloot: 0

// Allows you continue vending offline.
autotrade: 10
at: 10

// Change Guild Master of your Guild
changegm: 10

// Change the leader of your party.
changeleader: 10

// Change the party item share rules.
partyoption: 10

// Command what the player's pet will say.
pettalk: 10

// Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map.
mobsearch: 10

// 20: Mediator commands

// Displays helpfile in Athena base directory (2 same commands).
help: 20
h: 20
help2: 20
h2: 20

// Warp yourself to a person (3 same commands + /shift).
jumpto: 20
goto: 20
warpto: 20

// Warp yourself to a person by PID (similar to above, cept you us the PID)
jumptoid: 20
jumptoid2: 20
gotoid: 20
gotoid2: 20
warptoid: 20
warptoid2: 20

// Displays the motd file to all players
gmotd: 20

// follow a player (including warping to them)
follow: 20

// Sends a request to all connected GMs (via the gm whisper system)
request: 20

// Disconnects a user from the server (1 command + right click menu for GM "(name) force to quit").
kick: 20

// Disconnects a user from the server using their PID.
kickid: 20
kickid2: 20

// Changes your apperance.
model: 20

// To get a peco to (un)ride
mountpeco: 20

// Returns list of logged in characters with their position (2 same commands).
who: 20
whois: 20

// Returns list of logged in characters with their job.
who2: 20

// Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild.
who3: 20

// Returns list of logged in characters with their position in a specifical map.
whomap: 20

// Returns list of logged in characters with their job in a specifical map.
whomap2: 20

// Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild in a specifical map.
whomap3: 20

// Like @who+@who2+who3, but only for GM.
whogm: 20

// Change your appearence to other players to a mob.
disguise: 20

//Restore your normal appearance.
undisguise: 20

// Display ignore list of a player (people from which the player ignore wisps)
charignorelist: 20

// Displays the text as a normal message with the format "*name message*"
// instead of "name : message" (Like the /me command in IRC)
me: 20

// Changes your name to your choice temporarly.
fakename: 20

// Changes your size.
size: 20

// Can command what other npcs (by name) can say.
npctalk: 20

// 40: Sub-GM commands

// Broadcast to the whole server. Using (1 command + /nb, /b).
broadcast: 40

// Broadcast to the map you are on (1 command + /lb, /nlb).
localbroadcast: 40

// Broadcast (with or without name).
kami: 40
kamib: 40

// Enables you to go to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates. (@mapmove + /mm or /mapmove)
mapmove: 40

// Enables GVG on a map (2 same commands).
gvgon: 40
gpvpon: 40

// Turns GVG (Guild v. Guild) off on a map (2 same commands).
gvgoff: 40
gpvpoff: 40

// Heals a person to full HP/SP.
heal: 40

// GM Hide (enables you to be invisible to characters, and most monsters) (1 command + /hide).
hide: 40

// Changes your job to one you specify (2 same commands).
job: 40
jobchange: 40

// Enables you to to jump randomly on a map (that you are already on).
jump: 40

// Warps you to your last save point (2 same commands).
return: 40
load: 40

// Enables lost skills.
lostskill: 40

// Saves a warp point.
memo: 40

// Set your character display options. (Visual effects of your character)
option: 40

// Sets the level of intemecy of your pet.
petfriendly: 40

// Sets hunger level of your pet.
pethungry: 40

// Turns PVP (Person v. Person) off on a map.
pvpoff: 40

// Enables PVP on a map.
pvpon: 40

// Enables platinum skills.
questskill: 40

// Sets the speed you can walk/attack at. Default is 150.
speed: 40

// Enables spirit sphere balls.
spiritball: 40

// Warp yourself to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (2 same commands).
rura: 40
warp: 40

// Changes GM clothes color (2 same commands)
dye: 40
ccolor: 40

// Changes GM hair style (2 same commands)
hairstyle: 40
hstyle: 40

// Changes GM hair color (2 same commands)
haircolor: 40
hcolor: 40

// Deletes all your items.
itemreset: 40

// Displays distribution of players on the server per map (% on each map which has players)
users: 40

// Deletes floor items in your range of sight
cleanmap: 40

// Kill all monsters in map (without drops)
killmonster2: 40

// Sets your spawn point (aka save point).
save: 40

// Do some visual effect on your character
effect: 40

// Display all items of a player's cart
charcartlist: 40

// drop all your items
dropall: 40

// store all your items
storeall: 40

// allow other players to hit you out of pvp
killable: 40

// look up a skill by name
skillid: 40

// use a skill by id
useskill: 40

// What skills are required to get this skill
skilltree: 40

// Marriage skills
marry: 40
divorce: 40

// make another player killable
charkillable: 40

// Same as above, cept uses PID.
charkillableid: 40
charkillableid2: 40

// Play a Sound!
sound: 40

// 50: Sub-GM+ commands

guild: 50

// Brings up your guild storage wherever you are.
gstorage: 50

// Spawns a monster, and a certain amount (3 same commands + /monster).
spawn: 50
monster: 50
summon: 50

// To get a peco to (un)ride for another player.
charmountpeco: 50

// Spawns a smaller sized version of a monster.
monstersmall: 50

// Spawns a larger sized version of a monster.
monsterbig: 50

// It will spawn a supportive clone of the given player.
clone: 80

// It will spawn a supportive clone of the given player that follows the creator around.
slaveclone: 80

// It will spawn an aggresive clone of the given player.
evilclone: 80

// 60: GM commands

// Starts Guild Wars
agitstart: 80

// Ends Guild Wars
agitend: 80

// Resurects yourself.
alive: 60

// Levels your character to specified level (adds to your level) (3 same commands).
lvup: 60
baselvlup: 60
blevel: 60

// Raises your job level (3 same commands).
joblvup: 60
joblvlup: 60
jlevel: 60

// Changes the sex of yourself
changesex: 60

// Remove items from a character
chardelitem: 60

// Saves the respawn point of another character.
charsave: 60

// Levels your guild to specified level (2 same commands).
guildlvup: 60
guildlvlup: 60

idsearch: 60

// Creates an item of your choosing, either Item ID or Name (1 command + /item).
item: 60

// Creates a complet item (card, etc...) of your choosing, either Item ID or Name.
item2: 60

// ??
itemcheck: 60

// Kill another character without hitting them.
kill: 60

// Same as above, cept uses PID.
killid: 60
killid2: 60

// Kill all monsters in map (with drops)
killmonster: 60

// Creates yourself a pet egg, have to use Pet ID.
makeegg: 60

//Hatches an egg
hatch: 60

// Enable hitting a player even when not in pvp
killer: 60

// Creates weapon of desired element.
produce: 60

// Warps a character to you (1 command + /recall).
recall: 60

// Warps a character to you using their PID.
recallid: 60
recallid2: 60

// Refines all weapons in your items list.
refine: 60

// Will repair all broken items in inventory.
repairall: 60

// Revives a character, and heals them.
revive: 60

// Same as above, cept uses PID.
reviveid: 60
reviveid2: 60

// Warp another person to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (2 same commands).
rura+: 60
charwarp: 60
shuffle: 60

// Change Status of your character
str: 60
agi: 60
vit: 60
int: 60
dex: 60
luk: 60

// Gets all skills (4 same commands)
allskill: 60
allskills: 60
skillall: 60
skillsall: 60

// sets GM stats to maximum (4 same commands)
statall: 60
statsall: 60
allstats: 60
allstat: 60

// Gives you job points.
stpoint: 60

// Gives you skill points of desired amount.
skpoint: 60

// Warps all online character of a guild to you. (at least one member of that guild must be on.)
guildrecall: 60

// Warps all online character of a party to you. (at least one party member must be online.)
partyrecall: 60

// Allows you to spy on any Guilds Guild chat. (at least one member of that guild must be on.)
// NOTE: map server needs to be configured to enable spying to use this command (enable_spy: yes)
guildspy: 60

//Allows you to spy on any party's party chat. (at least one party member must be online.)
// NOTE: map server needs to be configured to enable spying to use this command (enable_spy: yes)
partyspy: 60

// Gives you money (zeny) of desired amount.
zeny: 60

// To block definitively a player (only administrator can unblock the account) (2 same commands)
block: 60
charblock: 60

// To unblock a player (2 same commands)
unblock: 60
charunblock: 60

// To ban a player for a limited time (only administrator can unban the account) (4 same commands)
ban: 60
banish: 60
charban: 60
charbanish: 60

// To unban a player (4 same commands)
unban: 60
unbanish: 60
charunban: 60
charunbanish: 60

// To send specified character in jails
jail: 40

// To discharge a prisoner (2 same commands)
unjail: 60
discharge: 60

// To change disguise of another player/GM
chardisguise: 60
charundisguise: 60

// Create a static warp portal that lasts until the next reboot
addwarp: 80

// drop a players possessions on the gruond
chardropall: 60

// put a players possessions in storage
charstoreall: 60

// 80: GM Chief commands

// Set the map you are on to day.
day: 80

// Kills everyone on the server.
doom: 80

// Kills everyone on the map you are on.
doommap: 80

// Set the map you are currently on to night.
night: 80

// Recalls Everyone To Your Coordinates
recallall: 80

// Revives all players on the map.
raisemap: 80

// Revives all players on the server.
raise: 80

// Hides a NPC.
hidenpc: 80

// Unhides a NPC.
shownpc: 80

// Loads a Script
loadnpc: 80

// Unloads a NPC
unloadnpc: 80

// Move a NPC
npcmove: 80

// turn skills on for a map
skillon: 80

// turn skills off for a map
skilloff: 80

// Unmute a player
unmute: 60

// 99: Administrator commands

// Disconnect all users from the server
kickall: 99

// Closes Map-Server
mapexit: 99

// Give information about terrain/area (debug function)
gat: 99

// Enables debugging
packet: 99

// Allows viewing/changing the map's water level (debug function)
// NOTE: Requires access to the .grf files since the map height properties are not stored in the map cache.
waterlevel: 99

// Shows information about the map
mapinfo: 99

// Set Map Flags (WIP)
mapflag: 99

// Re-load item database (admin command)
reloaditemdb: 99

// Re-load monsters database (admin command)
reloadmobdb: 99

// Re-load skills database (admin command)
reloadskilldb: 99

// Re-load scripts (admin command)
reloadscript: 99

// Re-load GM level (admin command)
reloadgmdb: 99

// change a battle_config flag without rebooting server
setbattleflag: 99

// Refresh only status of players - SQL Only
refreshonline: 99

// Re-load gm command config (admin command)
reloadatcommand: 99

// Re-load battle config (admin command)
reloadbattleconf: 99

// Re-load status database (admin command)
reloadstatusdb: 99

// Re-load player info database (admin command)
reloadpcdb: 99

// Re-load the Message of the Day (admin command)
reloadmotd: 99

// [Un]Disguise All Players (admin command)
disguiseall: 99
undisguiseall: 99

// Mute player (admin command)
mute: 99
mutearea: 99
stfu: 99

// Makes you inmune to attacks (monsters/players/skills cannot target/hit you, admin command)
monsterignore: 99
battleignore: 99

// 99: Weather effects

rain: 99

snow: 99

clouds: 99

clouds2: 99

fog: 99

fireworks: 99

sakura: 99


// Stop all weather effects
clearweather: 99

// 0: Mail System - SQL Only commands - Must be enabled

// Check # of messages.
checkmail: 1

// List all messages.
listmail: 1

// List only new mail.
listnewmail: 1

// Read a message.
readmail: 1

// Send mail.
sendmail: 1

// Send priority mail (tagged with Priority and cannot be deleted until read)
sendprioritymail: 80

// Delete a message.
deletemail: 1

// 100: Disabled commands
gm: 100
nuke: 99
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 238
Age : 33
Localisation : Bretagne(56)
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:01

=> toutes les comande avec un = 0 son utilisable par les joueur =).
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Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:02

Bah y'en a pas bcp :p
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 148
Age : 28
Localisation : Westopolis
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:04

et les comande avec un 1 ? xD
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:16

lol 1 a 99 c'est pour les GM mais bon comme j'ai dit dans la t'chatbox je vais voir a modifier car je veux aussi redonner un peu de commands au guard et les players c'est normal qu'il n'aille pas beaucoup de commands ils ont les commands de base ^.^ car je voit pas un player avec @nuke O.o lol XD
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 148
Age : 28
Localisation : Westopolis
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:18

c'est quoi @nuke?
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Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:28

C'est du style Nude ? mdr
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:33

@nuke exemple si je suis au milieu de Izlude ok et qu'il y a 10 personne a l'entour de moi et que je fais @Nuke GMDestroy Very Happy eh bien tous le monde a côter de moi se fond propulser plus loin et moi je meurt sur le coup Razz et sa fais une explosion nucléaire et moi je trouve que sa fais des feu d'artifice Very Happy et vous perdez peut-être le 1/4 2/4 3/4 ou vous mourrez vous aussi dépendant du nombre de hp que vous avez voila ^.^ et vous comprennez pourquoi maintenant c'est ma commands préféré Very Happy
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Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:34

T_T Dis ya pas une place d'animateur Event ou quoi ? Parce que moi , j'veux faire des eventssssss pis aider , snif...
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:40

désolé c'est pas la place pour en parler ici Wink et des Staff y'en a asser et Black Cat en est un animateur d'event alors pour le moment on en a pas besoin Wink mais oublie pas ta candidature est quand même garder t'inquiète pas Wink
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 148
Age : 28
Localisation : Westopolis
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:42

y a une commande ou tes invincible
elle rox =o
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:48

oui c'est @hide pour GM seulement Razz désolé de brizé ton fun XD
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 148
Age : 28
Localisation : Westopolis
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 12:59

Destroy a écrit:
oui c'est @hide pour GM seulement Razz désolé de brizé ton fun XD
non c'est une autre san @hide
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:01

@allstats XD mdr attend je regard sa et je vais te redire sa XD
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 148
Age : 28
Localisation : Westopolis
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:03

non c un truc jor tout les degat te font rien on dirait ta endure
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:07

mdr la eh bien tu vien de me gagner car c'es tpas a moin que tu aille basicila et que tu puisse bouger XD
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 148
Age : 28
Localisation : Westopolis
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:08

jte jure jai vu sa sur un serv O_O
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 873
Localisation : Problème avec mon ordi :S - de retour
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

Commands Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands EmptyMar 2 Jan - 13:13

lol sa se peut je ne te contredit pas Smile
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MessageSujet: Re: Commands   Commands Empty

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